Intelligent Speed Assist

For years, speed has been recognised as one of the main 3 contributing factors to road deaths.  Aisin Mobility is enabling car makers to meet forthcoming Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) legislation.

Intelligent Speed Assistance or Adaptation (ISA) is an in-vehicle system that uses information on the position of the vehicle in a network in relation to the speed limit in force at that particular location. ISA can support drivers in helping them to comply with the speed limit everywhere in the network.

Most vehicles are already equipped with cameras and sensors and have a minimum level of connectivity.  However, in order to support level 2 automated driving features and beyond, many vehicles still have deficiencies.

Indeed, it remains a challenge to ensure that the data is precise, complete and communicated rapidly enough to ensure safety and comfort for vehicle users.

European legislation: Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA)

Aisin is helping car manufacturers prepare for new European legislation that mandates the presence of Intelligent Speed Assist systems in all new vehicle type approvals as of July 2022, as well as in all new vehicles as of July 2024. 

Key challenges related to ISA’s legislation:

  • Accurate interpretation of speed limit signs: Speed limit information can be obtained through observation of road signs and signals, infrastructure signals or electronic map data, or both.  However, performance targets must be met in order to minimize the error rate in real driving conditions.  Consequences of inaccurate information can be highly dangerous, particularly where automatically linked to accelerator control (ACC).

  • Driver warning: Drivers shall be made aware when the applicable speed limit is exceeded through accelerator control or through appropriate and effective feedback.

  • Timing to implement: All new models (new type approvals) as of 6th July 2022 and all new cars as of July 2024 must comply.

  • Long-term maintenance:  All cars must retain up-to-date connectivity for a total of 14 years after vehicle manufacture.  If the system uses electronic map data, the OEM shall provide map updates at least once per year (free of charge for 7 years).  In addition, automakers must provide data on system usage for analysis and be able to update the system logic according to results.

  • Cost: If ISA is not already integrated into vehicle planning, Automakers risk having to add new data communication modules.  This is in addition to the above-mentioned maintenance and service update costs ….

Aisin’s solutions for Intelligent Speed Assist (ISA)

To meet forthcoming ISA legislation, Aisin is helping automakers to gain accurate readings of speed limit signs.

We do this using our proprietary algorithms to fuse and arbitrate data from vehicle cameras and maps.

  • Aisin’s logic uses map data to filter traffic signs from adjacent roads.

  • This reduces false detection and improves user experience and safety.

  • AISIN’s technology is key to improve ISA performance and meet legal requirements.


Contact us to receive the full demo of our prototype (see above video) and consult with our experts:


Why trust us?

AISIN’s location-based services technology

AISIN works with car manufacturers to capture data in real-time and send it to the cloud where it is processed using our proprietary algorithms.  Several data sources can be cross-referenced and fused to ensure accuracy.  Data can then be added to update existing maps or, alternatively, sent directly back to vehicles, providing live information to drivers for their safety and comfort. 

We use our proprietary lane-level precise positioning and map-matching, along with our electronic horizon module, to ensure accurate and immediate data communication.

AISIN’s experience

At AISIN Mobility, navigation and positioning is in our DNA. We launched the world’s first navigation with audio guidance with Toyota / Lexus in 1992. We were also the first to launch hybrid navigation technology. We have developed proprietary map-matching technology with lane-level precision to enable autonomous driving, with or without GPS signals and maps.

Global reach

We have a track record of delivering and maintaining navigation and positioning systems in the global market place, accounting for regional technical and legal complexities such as forthcoming European safety legislation.


Connected map

