
Product line developed for

road operators

Using connected vehicle data to make informed decisions for road safety and asset management

RoadTrace™ is an innovation that combines Aisin Mobility’s navigation and geolocation heritage with pioneering AI techniques.

Over the years, we have developed proven technology to analyse collective driver and vehicle behaviour.  We are now producing bespoke analyses for road operators, providing extra layers of intelligence that enable a risk-based approach to road safety and asset management.

To find out more, visit our dedicated RoadTrace website

Product line

Benoit Conotte Benoit Conotte

Safety Insights

Delivering insights to Road Maintenance Operaors to have an impact on road user safety at optimised cost.

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Benoit Conotte Benoit Conotte

Road Conditions

Our porduct monitor pavement condition at high frequency and low cost, using insights from existing connected cars to enable Road Maintenance Operators to prioritise their repari coutermeasures.

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Demonstration of capability

Our Innovation Process

Our innovation lab consists of a tight-knit board, as well as a team of innovation champions. The board's role is to regularly meet and put projects through different decision gates to determine which ones deserve a green light, which should be retried, put on hold, killed, or pivoted. The board allocates resources, while the champions lead innovation opportunities, and guide and motivate their teams. RoadTrace passed our four-gate process and is now in the scale-up stage.

Market test & internationalisation

Products were launched in the UK in collaboration with Gaist, an actor in digital solutions for local authorities or highway operators.

After this first phase of market test, internationalisation to several european countries is ongoing (France, Germany, Spain, The Netherlands).

Merging Aisin Mobility Competencies in a New Blend

We leverage our expertise in navigation, geolocated data analysis, driver behavior analysis, and data science to provide valuable insights. Our three-step process involves input data, analysis, and enrichment.
Input Data: We continuously monitor collective driving behavior on your network, 24/7, regardless of weather conditions.
Analysis: Our team analyzes patterns in the data to identify areas where abnormal driving behavior is repeatedly observed.
Enrichment: By combining multiple sources of data, we gain a better understanding of the real experiences of road users.